
Working papers

Rooted Decisions: Childhood Exposure to Labor Markets and Women's Work
I show that the place women grow up in shapes their participation in the labor market as adults [submitted]
Rooted Decisions: Childhood Exposure to Labor Markets and Women's Work
Do Elite Universities Overpay their Faculty?
We use matched employer-employee data to study pay inequality in US academia [Revise and resubmit at The Review of Economics and Statistics]
Do Elite Universities Overpay their Faculty
Linking Vocational Schools to Industry: Effects on Teachers in Indonesia
We evaluate a large teacher training program in vocational schools in Indonesia
Do Elite Universities Overpay their Faculty

Work in progress

Skill Use in Jobs: The Role of Education and Techonology
We use data from the UK to study how education and skills interact with technological change
Skill Use in Jobs: The Role of Education and Techonology
Gender and the Urban Wage Premium
The urban wage premium for men without a college degree has significantly declined in the United States since the 1980s, while women’s did not